Successful Applicant:
Central Queens Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation
Project Title:
Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Riparian Area Improvement on Quinn's Brook
Project Summary:
Thanks to the Wildlife Conservation Fund (WCF) the Central Queens Branch of the PEI Wildlife (CQWF) had funds awarded to carry out restoration activities on Quinn's Brook, a major section of this tributary and carry out basic stream enhancement activities, including two sediment pond excavations and some tree planting in the riparian area.
In total on Quinn's Brook, CQWF covered 5,864 meters of stream habitat including 29 cover structures, 21 brush mats, 210m² of boulder clusters, two sediment ponds excavations and 250 native trees and shrubs planted in riparian habitat. CQWF uses a holistic approach when improving stream habitat by targeting habitat components required for a salmonid to have a successful life cycle. While stream enhancing is a migratory corridor is maintained by ensuring fish passage is possible from the estuary to important spawning areas by removing problematic blockages and addressing a situations with fish passage barriers. CQWF utilized restoration techniques such as brush mats and boulder clusters, which were concentrated in the upper part of the tributary in association with newly restored sections of stream that took place during 2020.
During a volunteer day, 200 native trees and shrubs were planted above Clarkin Road to improve the local biodiversity and provide a future seed source to help re-establish suitable native riparian species (yellow birch, cedar, red osier dog wood etc.) Two sediment traps were also excavated during 2020 and resulted in permanently removing 1,600m³ of sediment from the stream channel. These sediment traps were located at the upper end of Carragher's Pond and between the Peter's Road and Mill Road on Quinn's Brook. By following a long-term strategic approach, local population of salmonids will benefit including other aquatic species and the general riparian community.
The project goals were the following:
Contact landowners along proposed areas of stream restorations
Use basic stream restoration techniques to improve salmonid habitat and address limiting factors
Re-excavate two sediment traps on Quinn's Brook
In areas that lack tree/shrub diversity (i.e. alder thickets) plant native Acadian Forest tree/shrubs species with adequate herbivore protection in the riparian corridor