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Englewood Home & School Association

Successful Applicant:

Englewood Home & School Association



Project Title:

Englewood Home & School Association

Project Gallery:

Project Summary:

The Englewood Outdoors Green Club is comprised of interested grades 4-6 students who enjoy learning about the environment and getting outdoors. Teachers at the school oversee the Club and the Home and School Association provides assistance in organizing and carrying out activities. We succeeded in getting the children involved in outdoor activities in the fall and winter of 2017-18. In autumn, the Club visited the Bonshaw Hills Park and walked the trails along the river. In October, children were given a presentation on geo-caching and walked the nature trail next to the school. They succeeded in finding three established geocaches along the trail. A key activity planned for this project was snow shoeing. Although there was a scarcity of snow throughout the winter, we did get the children snow shoeing around the school property and nearby trail. A highlight for the children was a field trip to DeSable. Two wildlife technicians from the Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division talked to the children about various wildlife species. The children walked through a woodland trail and were shown various tracks, scat and other wildlife signs and compared diversity between a hardwood forest and softwood plantation. Various wildlife mounts were available for the children to see and touch.

The Outdoors Green Club will continue its activities into spring, with intended field trips to a south shore beach and to Greenwich National Park. We feel that the children learned a lot about various woodland habitats, snow shoeing and geocaching. The best outcome is the excitement shown in the children in being outdoors and their keen interest in learning about the natural world around them.


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Wildlife Conservation Fund

Business Number 739905222

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